How do I apply for my own subnet?

Up to 31 additional IPv4 addresses can be ordered per server via the customer central management. These IP addresses are available immediately after ordering. If you need further IPv4 addresses and have stating a reason, this limit can be increased by our support team. In addition, it is also possible to order IPv4 networks. In this case you also need some reasons for the increased demand of IPv4 addresses. A reason for raising the limit or applying for a separate network should have the following content:

  1. Number of required additional IP addresses
  2. Currently used IP addresses and their current use
  3. Planned use of the new IP addresses
  4. Why it is necessary for this purpose technically necessary to use other addresses.

In particular, the intended use is not accepted:

  • Search engine fraud
  • Spam / Email mass mailing
  • Web hosting, which would also be feasible via Vhosts
  • Reserving addresses

Please also note that the deployment of IPv4 networks may take up to 5 working days to complete after successful verification.

Description Setup / One time fee Price / month
Additional single IPv4 address (up to 31 possible) 5,00 € 2,00 €
Global Failover IPv4 address (up to 31 possible) can be used for Dedicated Server 0,00 € 3,00 €
/24 Subnet - 256 usable IPv4 Adressen 1280,00 € 512,00 €
/25 Subnet - 128 usable IPv4 Adressen 640,00 € 256,00 €
/26 Subnet - 64 usable IPv4 Adressen 320,00 € 128,00 €
/27 Subnet - 32 usable IPv4 Adressen 160,00 € 64,00 €
/28 Subnet - 16 usable IPv4 Adressen 80,00 € 32,00 €
/29 Subnet - 8 usable IPv4 Adressen 75,00 € 16,00 €
Routing of an own IP network (/24 or larger) 75,00 € 25,00 €


To order your own subnet, please open a support ticket.

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