How do I create a game server with Tekbase?

After successful installation of your server, take your server IP address and enter it in your browser with the addition /tekbase/admin.php. This will take you to your customer interface.

First, we recommend that you enter a name for your dedicated server and the URL of your server under "Settings". If you have not yet registered a domain or if your existing domain is still in transit, you can also use the IP address of your server. Please note that the URL will be sent to the customers you will create by mail after successful creation.

After you have entered the first information of your server under "Settings", please go to the menu item "Email accounts". Here you must enter the sender as well as an email address that will send the corresponding information such as login and username to the customers. Without a stored email address, you cannot create a customer later and thus cannot create a game server.

Now you have to set up your dedicated server in general under the menu item "Server Module". Go to the item "Server Templates" and enter your desired information.

The next step is to create the general root server that will later be available to your customers as a dedicated game server. To do this, please select the category Root server and add your dedicated game server to Tekbase under the item "Enter root server".

Now you can start creating your customers in the customer module. After setting up the account, the customer will automatically receive an email with the email address you entered as well as the access data to your customer interface. The customer interface for your customers is stored under "Domain_or_IP"/tekbase/members.php.

Now go to the game server administration and create your game servers according to your and your customer's wishes. In the game server module, you can provide each customer with his or her desired server. Afterwards, your customers can start "gambling" immediately.

Further information can be found in the Teklab Administrator Manual:

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